Giarratani Rising Star AwardCOMPETITION GUIDELINESEach year, the Industry Studies Association presents the Giarratani Rising Star Best Paper Award at the Industry Studies Association Annual Conference. Junior scholars are invited to submit one paper to which they have made a significant contribution to be considered for the Giarratani Rising Star Award. The paper must have at least one co-author who is an early career scholar and must not have been accepted for publication at the time of submission. The junior scholar must not be more than six years from completion of their most recent Ph.D. The paper must also include an abstract of no more than 250 words. A junior scholar can not be on more than one submitted paper. The winner and runner-up will be honored at the annual Industry Studies Association Annual Conference and invited to present their work in a special session on the conference program. The winner will receive a $1,000 honorarium and an honorarium of $500 will be awarded to the runner up. Papers not chosen as winners will still be considered for inclusion in the regular Industry Studies Association Annual Conference program. The submissions are evaluated based on two criteria:
To be considered for the award, each candidate must:
Failure to fulfill any of these steps will lead to disqualification. The deadline for competition entry is the same as the deadline to submit a conference proposal. Nomination FormPast Winners |